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Community Leaders Forum

A community for community leaders

An initiative by 3sides, the Community Leaders Forum is a community of community leaders who want to learn from one another.

Whether you are just getting started or are a seasoned community leader, the Community Leaders Forum provides a platform for stimulating discussion and knowledge exchange. We aim for the community to be diverse, as we believe that sparks the most interesting discussions. The community has leaders that are veterans and newbies, and have backgrounds in different industries and company sizes and shapes.

We strive to be an inclusive community where all can feel confident and safe to share and where confidentiality and privacy are respected.

To encourage open discussions, we do not record the meetup sessions.

When we meet

The Community Leaders Forum meetups take place every last Thursday of the month at 16.00 CET (4pm CET).

Topics we discuss

The meetups are very interactive. Our community members share their own community journeys and learnings and there is plenty of opportunity for questions and discussions.

Topics range from building and growing a community to best practices based on experiences and challenges encountered along the way.

We also talk about innovative and emerging topics like
- The role of Trust in communities
- The impact of AI on communities
- How to measure the value of communities
- Getting senior leadership and exec buy-in
- Community metrics and data

We  look foward to seeing you there!

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Join the Community Leaders Forum

Learn how others are tackling the same challenges and have the opportunity to connect to a broad network of experts.

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Thank you for signing up for the Community Leadership forum.

We will contact you for an introduction and make sure you receive an invite for our next meetups.

Talk to you soon!
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