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Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy

Your privacy and security are very important to us. This privacy policy describes the information and data we collect when you use our website, products and services and how we use it.

If you have additional questions or require more information about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us through email at hello@3sides.co.

1. What data do we collect?

1.1 Information you provide to us

We collect Personal Data from you when you interact with our website. This can be information you Provide us to use our services, including information such as your name, your email address, your company, address, billing information and such other information that is identifiable data about you, or information provided by you when filling out a contact form on our website. You may also provide information to us via email or other channels by requesting our services or for example by emailing our sales or delivery team.

1.2 Information we process on behalf of our customers

3sides is a services provider providing strategy consultancy and community platform expert services. We advise and support our customers in resolving technical and functional issues, analyzing community data and trends and developing new functionality. At the instruction and request of our customers, we may access, view and/or process customer and employee data which is stored in the community platform for these purposes only.

We process personal data on behalf of and only as instructed by our customers as described in our Data Processing Agreement. We will never access this information as required by us to comply with applicable laws, unless absolutely necessary to provide our services. Any responsibility connected with controlling personal data and complying with applicable privacy laws is the sole responsibility of our customers when providing instructions to 3sides for processing this personal data.

1.3 Other Information we collect about you

We may collect information about you such as information available from public sources, such as social media sites for sales and marketing purposes. We may also collect data about you when you visit our website for web analytics purposes in an automated way through the use of cookies. We will ask for your consent to use cookies, and you may opt out at any time.

2. How do we use your data?

As a visitor to our website, we use your information in an aggregated and anonymized way such as web analytics to analyze the effectiveness of our information, content and offerings.

As a customer, we use the information you provide us to communicate with you and to provide services to you.

We may send you notification, billing, project and other account-related emails. Additionally, we may send you information updates about our services as well as changes to one of our policies. The information may also be used to answer support requests and fix technical issues.

We may use your information to communicate with you about new products, services and offerings and for sales and marketing purposes. You may opt out of these communications at any time.

3. What is our legal basis for collecting your data?

The purpose of collecting your personal data is for us to perform a contract we have with you or because you are in the process of closing a contract with us. All other personal data is collected by us because you have consented to that particular purpose.

4. With whom do we share your data?

We do not share your data with third parties unless it is required to provide our services. This is limited to products and services such as hosting, billing and customer engagement.

5. How do we store and secure your data?

We implement and maintain suitable technical and organisational measures to help protect your personal data from any unauthorized access.

We store your personal data for the duration that is necessary for us to provide you our services.

You may request the immediate permanent deletion of your account by contacting us at hello@3sides.co and after identity verification. Any additional cost arising in connection with the return or deletion of personal data after the termination of our engagement shall be borne by the Customer.

6. How do we process and transfer your data?

3sides complies with the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) and all applicable data protection laws. For more information about our Data Protection Agreement please contact us at hello@3sides.co for a copy.

7. How can you access and control your personal data?

You have some legal rights pertaining to your personal data. You have the right to request access to the personal data we store about you and to request us to correct your data. You may request that we delete your personal data. You may opt out or withdraw consent from our communications. You may also request the transfer of your personal data.

Contact us at hello@3sides.co if you wish to submit a request or if you have any questions regarding our privacy policy or this clause.